Sunday, July 10, 2011

A wish

I once heard a strong voice,
It asked me weather I have any wishes.

I sprung up in joy n asked how many,
U can have as many wishes u wish to, said the strong voice.

I took a deep breath n began to wonder,
I can ask for wealth, but wouldn’t that be plunder??
I soon realized that what I would ask for is not wealth n power.

So I wished for a girl with a golden heart
With who I cud give life a brand new start

I said I want a girl whose smile is more precious than rear gems
A girl who would laugh so open and loud that it would scatter a crowd

A girl who sees life in a different way
Who loves to travel but still can’t stay away

A girl who would walk a mile to help a stranger in need
And yet would not tell a soul that she did a good deed

A girl for who life is animated
And wants to live in a world that she has created

A girl who deserves to be treated nothing less than an infant
A girl who is more tender and delicate than a newly blossomed bud

A girl with hands softer than silk

The voice, bedazzled n confused said, there is no such girl foolish one
And I replied in a voice now stronger than the strong voice.

U can keep your wishes to your self coz voice I don’t need them no more
What I wish for I already have

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